Update from Moscow

Hi everyone,

I am still travelling, lots of gabventures going on at the time… That’s why there have not been any new posts lately.

But everything will appear here in due time.

How I lived in the Estonian forest and helped a young couple with their cool projects,

how I then arrived in Saint Petersburg and spent a few days exploring the city and meeting inspiring people,

and how I then did more or less the same here in Russia’s amazing capitol.

Tomorrow I will take the Trans-Sibirian Railway, and more adventures are to follow…

Stay tuned!Me in Moscow

One thought on “Update from Moscow”

  1. Auf dr schwaebschsche, halt, noi, auf dr russki Eisabahna, isch amol a Guettle gfahre, …goaht an Schaltr, lupft dr Huet, ei Billetle …, fei, bis noach Behging,…sens so guet!

    Ganz liebe Gruesse, von HiHa und Tante, take care, we are with you in thoughts, greetings from Russell too!

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