Back home

After almost eleven months of traveling I finally returned home – first to Norway, then to Germany. So many pictures to look through, so many experiences to process… It has been an incredibly exciting and adventurous (but also long) time on the road, and I have learned a lot about the world and about myself. And although I surely will continue traveling and exploring other parts of the world, there is another, more locally bound adventure in store for me right now: going to university. (The exact decisions have not been made yet, but the current prediction is “engineering” in Southern Germany. I am now indeed studying Electrical Engineering, in Ulm)

As you can easily see, my travel narrations on this website are not complete yet; there are about another 20 articles, lots of pictures, and even some videos to come. And they will come, eventually. It is taking time, and there are many other things going on for me (planning for the next adventure (mentioned above) for instance), but I am on it!

Stay tuned!

2 thoughts on “Back home”

  1. 868955 9522Conveyancing […]we like to honor other websites on the web, even if they arent related to us, by linking to them. Below are some websites worth checking out[…] 615812

  2. Vel overstått reise til en av de tøffeste, modigste og kuleste jeg kjenner! Det er så godt å lese at du har og har hatt det bra :) jeg har jo tross alt vært litt bekymra. Lykke til med studiene, jeg håper vi sees igjen. Megastor klem fra Trondheim!

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