Last Week in Jotunheimen

When an adventure is coming to an end…

After more than eight months in Norway I am now leaving for Germany in less than a week. I realize that I have spent most of the past year in this country: Five months in Jotunheimen and four in the Lofoten. In this time I have become a lot more Norwegian. And I have grown to love this country even more than I did before – its raw beauty, its untouched nature and the sense of freedom it awakens in me.

Also this time in Jotunheimen I have been on many tours when not working (and even sometimes when working; as a guide!) – but compared to last year the focus has somewhat shifted towards running, ski and bike tours. There have been some hikes though, also to tops I have not been to before; at least one of them is still vivid in my memory, due to its extremity: Surtningssue (2368m). After cycling to the starting point 20km away I put on my hiking boots, went through a beautiful forest along the Gjende lake and then up an equally beautiful valley (Memurudalen).

k-Surtningssue 041After a look at the mountainside and a quick glance at my map I decided to not follow the path but to go up the direct line instead. That involved slightly more climbing than anticipated and got especially exciting when I came to an extremely narrow and steep ridge that I had to cross. Then I was greeted by a little snow storm at the top that turned into rain as I began my descent. It was somewhat demotivating to know that there lay more than twenty kilometers of gravel ahead to my starting point. I made it though, more or less, and felt I had deserved an ice cream after more than 2500 height meters (up!) and a total hiking distance of about 41km, before cycling back to the hotel.

I already feel that I am going to miss this place (I even fear that I might have a hard time finding another place this beautiful), but at the same time I am happy to return home and see my family and friends again!

… a new one is about to begin.

In only one month I will set out on my around-the-world trip. The plan is to start eastward, through Estonia to Russia. From Moscow I will take the Trans-Siberian (actually the Trans-Mongolian) Railway into China. But that will be another story for another time! ;-)


A few pictures of the hike to Surtnigssue:

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