June 15 – last ski tour of the year

A few days ago I decided to go on my last ski tour for this year. I have probably been on more ski tours in 2015 than in the 20 years before that and enjoyed every single one of them, now it is June though, and it would also be nice with some summer! These clouds are real!
But I had to terminate my half year of winter in a worthy way, so I waited until I had a day off and the weather was nice, then I fastened my skies to my backpack and walked to the snow line, about an hour and 500 hight meters from Hindsæter. There, on the elevated plane, it was suddenly winter again, a harsh wind cutting through my not so winterly clothes. The sun was still shining though, and on the top of the mountain (Stornubben, 2174m, my goal for the day) I found a quiet place for lunch. Icicles at the top
The way down was really enjoyable, as well, although quite steep. With my backcountry skis the next section was easier accomplished: it just involved balancing on the skis while smoothly gliding down the just slightly angled hillside – some almost effortless kilometers!

Since this is my first real blog entry I also made a small video about the tour, don’t expect that every time! ;)

And it seems to have helped, the last days (after the ski tour) have been a lot warmer and nicer…

2 thoughts on “June 15 – last ski tour of the year”

  1. We enjoyed it!
    What a great Gabventure!
    How did you manage to film yourself skiing down hill?

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