The video along with the pictures are pretty self explanatory, so there will be no more text about this awesome adventure.
(You might need a proxy if you want to watch this video from Germany!)

This is Spitsbergen!

amazing ice cave

amazing ice cave

our camp upon leaving...

View on Reindalen (Reindeer Valley)

the explorers

it's cooold out there!

skiing down a glacier...

obstacles are just challenges!

dramatic night time sky

outdoor toilet with fantastic view ;-)

Reward for staying in the freezing cold, watching for bears

Svalbard rein

Amazing contrasts on Spitsbergen

Beautiful Spitsbergen...

Grumantbyen, abandonned Russian mining town

better trade your car for a snow scooter up here...

Mining installation, overlooking the city

Polar bear in the museum

Abandonned coal mine

Longyearbyen, "capitol" of Spitsbergen

Last evening on Spitsbergen
wow. i have 60-80 praises to share (not that we will ever have the time to do that, but hey)….it was amazing, keep on keeping on.