Here is what I did today: I climbed the Great Wall of China!
The entire structure was once thousands of kilometers long, today many parts are in ruins or totally gone. But there are still quite a few solid sections left and open to the public. It is also convenient that many of the most photogenic of these sections are “close” to Beijing.
I had decided to take the bus to Jinshaling, a fully restored section, and from there hike along the wall to Gubeikou, an “original” part. But the weather got in my way – it was foggy and rainy – probably typical for November. So I have to confess that I “only” went to Badaling, the ultimate tourist section. Due to the weather it did not get too crowded though, something to be grateful for!
Even though Badaling is completely rebuilt, it was more than impressive: Not only the sheer size of the wall, but also where people had decided to build it; from peak to peak and along ridges in an area of forests and steep mountains. The result is a stony line that zig-zags through the countryside. And in many places it is too steep for comfortably sized stairs, let alone for casual walking.
Walking on the designated part of the wall only was, of course, not enough for me. I found a spot near the northern end of the tourist section climbed down and walked on a small path alongside the wall for a while. There were no signs that what I did was not allowed, but I still did not feel comfortable passing under the numerous surveillance cameras which continued lining the wall in regular intervals.
So I chose to not actually climb the wall (which did not have borders any more) but rather poke my head up once in a while and continue walking alongside it until I finally hit a road that brought me back to the train station, from where it took about 90 minutes back to Beijing.
Hei Gabriel! Nå har jeg vandret i tåkeheimen sammen med deg.Novembertåken fornekter seg ikke her heller.Men i natt snedde det og 5 minus imorges gjør at det er bare is utenfor. Nå gikk jeg bort for å se hvordan det gikk med deg.som en trøst og avledning fra sterke ryggsmerter som jeg pådro meg for en og en halv uke siden.Typisk meg.Det går langsomt rette veien nå.Dette sier jeg bare fordi jeg synes det er så lenge siden jeg var inne.Vet du hva Gabriel at store og små bokstaver bruker jeg jo automatisk hver gang jeg betaler en regning.Da var jeg surrete men never mind.Det første brevet fra Moskva kom aldri frem.Jeg var så betatt av alt du skrev og alle bildene du flettet inn.Det var også morsomt å følge deg på ferden gjennom Moskva.Da hadde du ingen følger der så jeg ble den ene og det var morsomt.Har sett mye skjønner du uten å kommentere av mangel på krefter.Men Det er så moro og jeg koser meg.Fabelaktig hva du får til.Peter skjønner ikke hvor du tar energien fra.Bare alt det praktiske!Pass godt på deg selv kjære Gabriel og lykke til videre.Klem fa mormor.